My Businesses

Your New Business
What makes your SavingsHighway Business completely different from 99.9% of all other businesses you find online?  It’s very simple and very important: We provide your business for free and your income is not dependent on you purchasing anything.

You are not required to purchase anything in order to earn commissions on your sales, and you are not paid more because you purchase. We only want you to buy a product or service because you want it, not because it’s required in order to earn. This makes SavingsHighway the new way of doing business on the internet.

Multiple Businesses in ONE Network!
 As you refer other SavingsHighway Members who join with you and they refer others who join with them, your network grows. Then you leverage your time and energy by earning commissions on the purchases made by their referrals and their referrals and so on. As a Member, you can now make money with all of these great products and services providing opportunity to everyday people.

Products and Services you can earn with:
1. Professional and Business Memberships
2. International Travel Membership
3. International Merchant Processing Membership
4. Solar Energy
5. Energy Management & Lighting
6. Credit Restoration
7. Authorized Users (Get Paid for Credit)
8. World’s Greatest Streaming TV Boxes
9. Wav-X Cell Phone Radiation Blocker
10. GreenFuelTabs to save on Gasoline
11. Forgiven Alcohol Metabolizer
12. Herbal Enhancement Products for Men and Women
13. Personal Development & Training
14. Home-based Business Leads Business
15. Printing Business
17. Fundraisers for Schools, Churches and NonProfits

Since it’s free to join, you can start referring others to today. Be sure to give them your personal sitename so they can join with you. Thank you for helping us empower 1 Million Families and beyond to become debt free!

100% Free Benefits

At SavingsHighway, we’ve worked since 2006 to bring you the best benefits at no cost to you.

Your free benefits include:
1. Over 300 Free Grocery and non-food Coupons 
2. Free Health Discount Plan ($19.99/mo value)
3. Free Solar Quote for homes or businesses
4. Free Credit Consultation
5. Free Resources, Hints and Tips
6. Free Website, Training & Support
7. Free SavingsHighway Business
8. Members Only Pricing on Products and Services
9. Authorized Users Program

Get Started! Become an Affiliate

Whether it’s a SavingsHighway PRO Membership, Solar Installation, Credit Restoration, Merchant Processing or any of the unique products or services in your SavingHighway ”MYSTORE”, you’ll want become an Affiliate for free and start spreading the word so you can start earning today.

Becoming an Affiliate is simple. All you need to do is 4 easy steps:

Step 1. Update your profile information
Step 2. Update your contact information 
Step 3. Update your payout preferences so we know how to pay you.
Step 4. Print, sign and return your Independent Representative Agreement

IMPORTANT: These steps must be done in order for us to pay you for any commissions you can earn. Please do these easy steps now. If you haven’t already, please do these easy steps now. Thank you.

Know what you want.

Reaching your goals starts with a clear, definite plan.
1. Know what you want.
2. Know why you want it.
3. Make sire it’s good for you and the rest of the world.
4. Follow a system to achieve it.

Our mission is to empower 1 Million families and beyond to become debt free and make a better world. What is it that you want? Write it down. Give thanks as if it’s already accomplished. Use our Proven Success Formula to start your path to accomplishing it.

Credit Restoration

We work with a 50 year old Law Firm to produce fast results for our Members. A good credit score can help you in so many ways financially. Increase your score and get pad to help others do the same.

* Increase your credit score quickly
* Get better rates on new purchases
* Increase your financial IQ
* Save thousands by refinancing existing debt
* Receive hundreds monthly with our “Authorized User” program

Credit Restoration Training Website

Get Paid for Credit

“What an amazing program. Now we get to help people with their credit and get paid every quarter basically for doing almost nothing. Savings Highway has blown me away!”  


The “Authorized User” program is for people who have  credit cards that carry a balance of 15% or less of the total available funds. With this unique program, if you have a card or cards that carry that percentage of balance, you can authorize someone else to be placed on the card or cards.

In this process, they will not be able to use your card, however your credit will show on their credit to debt ratio. The program helps them to establish more and better credit and pays you a fee for providing the service. You never have to meet them of set it up. Our service provider will take care of it for you, and we pay you the service commission.

For example, you have 3 credit cards that each carry around a 15% balance. 
Our service provider adds 3 authorized users 

Credit Restoration Training Website

Proven Success Formula

Success leaves clues. Follow our simple 3 step formula to create the income you desire. This is a simple, step by step formula that can virtually guarantee your success.

Success Formula Wesbite

Marketing Resources

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